Thursday, May 8, 2014

It is true, man is a sinner. A sinner is one who has violated the Law of God. Law is the demand placed by God on man.

Why? Because God is the creator and man is a created being.  When God gave the Law to man, it was God’s call to man for subjection; this implies man cannot run his life as he wishes. We are given People sing today, When people sing “It’s my life...”  gives temporary fun and eludes us from truth; but the fact is that, God calls every soul into accountability for the violation of His Law. we cannot do whatever we like with our life. We are accountable to God for all our action: whether in thought, in word or in deed! 

Now consider this: If man breaks the law, it is because he is imperfect; because if he was really perfect, he would perfectly obey the law.  

Since man is imperfect, all his good works are also imperfect. Yes, all his works done at the best of his knowledge, wisdom and ability is still imperfect. An imperfect man cannot produce anything perfect; at least not before the perfect God. For God is perfect and when God judges men’s good works from His point of view, He sees it imperfect. Therefore, it is not possible for an imperfect man to please a perfect God by his work.
This is simple logic.

Now the question arises; if our good works (imperfect works) cannot please God, “How can I be saved or attain Moksha/Salvation?

The answer is simple...

Since God alone is perfect, therefore only God can do a perfect work for us that we may attain Salvation/Moksha. But where is the perfect work of God?

Where is the perfect work then??

The perfect work of God is displayed on the Cross. God incarnated into man to sacrifice Himself to bring forgiveness of sin; because without blood there is no forgiveness of sin in the sight of God.

And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Heb 9:22

This explains the reason why animal sacrifices were made in religious system.

For this reason, Salvation cannot be earned. Moksha/Salvation is the perfect gift of God which imperfect man cannot earn with his imperfect work. Therefore, God has to give men righteousness in the form of gift; it cannot be earned. The price for salvation is too huge to be paid. But God made Jesus to be sin carrier that He might bring Salvation to those who believe on Jesus.

God made him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Cor 5:21

Salvation therefore is the free gift of God. You can do nothing to earn but believe on the one who died for your sins on the cross and receive the free gift of salvation.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works. Eph 2: 8-9

Not by our good works; but by the perfect work of God on the cross. It just takes faith to receive it.


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